Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Random Thoughts

Just a few things to make you go "Hmmm?"

  • According to the book Freakonomics, Paul Feldman receives payment for only 89% of the bagels he puts out and sells on the honor system. Many point to this to say that people are inherently good, that's a solid 'B' in any 100 point grading system. But if you want to get into Harvard a solid 3.0 isn't good enough. Why then, when God so clearly says the standard is 100% perfection (Matthew 5:48), do we choose to live as though 89% is good enough? (By the way, when God grades, he allows you to use Christ's test scores and since this is allowed, it's not cheating.)

  • When I read the excerpt from "The Language of God" on the ABC New website, I was initially struck by this thought, there are many who would like to believe they have managed to be true "mainstream scientists", that is believing that evolution, an old earth and the like are established facts of science; but who are still true believers in the Biblical God of Genesis. I am not making any statement regarding Dr. Collins' point of view, I have not read the entire book. But when you choose to believe the evidence of science over the bible that you claim is written by a perfect, transcendent, loving God, aren't you putting faith in the science ahead of faith in God? Seems to me, you can't serve two masters. Personally, when faced with two conflicting conclusions, I choose to believe the one that makes explanation of the Biblical text simpler. Yes, I choose to believe, but that is what faith is. And if I profess to put my faith first and foremost in the Biblical God, isn't such a choice the logical decision?