Recently. I spoke with a man who had taught high school for over twenty years. Our conversation involved the science around origins and he showed me how some equations are incredibly simple. He maintained that this was a proof of an engineer at work. But I went further into more complex issues about the early universe. Theories held by evolutionists and reasons I believe in a literal six day creation. At this point he said that he believed there was little point in my pursuit of origins. Either you believed in creation or you didn't. Moreover he thought that high school students would never pay attention to such complicated matters.
So, is he right, should I abandon high school students? Are theories about origins too complicated? Should they be left only to the academics at college?
Absolutely Not!
1. If Christians abandon the complicated world of science we surrender the intellectual ground and effectively admit that intelligent, thinking people do not believe the God of the Bible.
2. As a country, our high schools no longer lead the world. What we need are young men and women who are equipped to solve the complicated problems that face us, not simpletons who want simple answers given to them.
3. Finally, philosophy, real philosophy is a complex, difficult matter. But just as it's complicated, it is also vitally important. Whether one is aware of it or not, everyone has a philosophy, and that philosophy influences their actions and decisions every day. The vast majority of our high school students have been fed a philosophical diet founded on evolutionary science. If Christians do not act to counter this with valid, well founded science showing the evidence for a creator God we are sacrificing our culture, our country, our society to the moral relativism that is the only alternative to anarchy in an evolutionary philosophy.